How to Use Electrical Appliances and Devices Safely and Efficiently

Electricians in Dubai

According to data from the Dubai Civil Defense, electrical problems accounted for 20% of residential building fire occurrences in 2022. 

In the meanwhile, better smart appliance usage habits can save homes up to 25% on electricity bills, according to research by the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA).

Keeping these two considerations in mind, we thought it would be ideal to provide you with information on energy conservation and safe appliance use in one blog post.

Common Electrical Appliance Mistakes in Dubai (and How to Avoid Them)

1. Overloading Circuits
The Problem: 

Overloading a single circuit with numerous high-wattage appliances pushes it beyond its capability. Overheating, tripped breakers, broken wiring, and, in the worst case, electrical fires are typically what comes next.

Signs in Your Home:  

Frequent breaker trips, flickering lights, warm outlets, or a burning plastic smell.

Smart Solutions in Dubai:

  • Note the Circuit Ratings: 

Most circuit breaker panels have labels indicating their maximum wattage capacity. Check your panel or consult a qualified electrician to understand your circuit capacities.

  • Distribute the Load

A power strip or outlet should not be used to plug in more than one high-wattage item (such as a microwave, kettle, or toaster). Distribute them across different circuits for balanced power usage.

  • Consider Upgrading

Speak with a certified electrician in Dubai to discuss possible modifications if the electrical system in your house is old and cannot keep up with the demands of contemporary appliances.

2. Ignoring Appliance Maintenance

Importance of Maintenance: 

Refrigerator coil dust accumulation can dramatically lower cooling effectiveness and raise energy usage. In a similar vein, blocked filters in washing machines can cause overheating and even fire.

Essential Maintenance Tasks:

  • As directed by the manufacturer, clean the washing machine and refrigerator coils on a regular basis.
  • Descale coffee makers and kettles to avoid mineral accumulation that lowers efficiency.
  • For detailed instructions on cleaning and maintenance, consult the manuals that came with your appliances.

3. Using Appliances in Unsafe Environments

Water and electricity are a dangerous combination. Here’s how to avoid electrical hazards in wet areas:

Avoid Places with Water: 

Avoid using hair dryers or toasters next to sinks, baths, or showers. Install GFCI (Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter) outlets in the restroom and kitchen to automatically turn off the electricity in the event of a ground fault.

Damaged Cords & Outlets: 

Check appliance cords for exposed wires or fractures. Appliances with malfunctioning plugs or outlets should not be used, and broken cords should be replaced right once.

How to Reduce Electricity Bills in Dubai

1. Unplugging Idle Appliances

Many electronics left on standby still use a tiny amount of power even after they are turned off. To counteract these energy leeches, use these steps:

Identify the Culprits

Seek for appliances that use power even while not in use, such as those with indicator lights or standby modes. Gaming consoles, PCs, TVs, and phone chargers are a few examples.

Power Down Completely: 

Make it a practice to switch off appliances and electronics entirely when not in use. To make controlling several devices simple, think about utilizing power strips with on/off switches.

Smart Plugs for the Savvy User: 

Invest in smart plugs that allow you to remotely control power to specific devices. This eliminates standby power drain and provides additional convenience.

2. Choosing Energy-Efficient Appliances

When buying new appliances, going after energy-efficient models can significantly reduce your long-term electricity usage.

Energy Efficiency Labels:

Look for appliances with high energy efficiency ratings. In the UAE, the Emirates Energy Star program provides a reliable benchmark. The higher the star ratings, the more efficient the appliance, meaning lower electricity bills.

Beyond the Label: 

Research specific energy consumption figures (usually mentioned in kilowatt-hours per year) to compare different models and identify the most efficient option for your needs.

Consider Upfront Costs vs. Long-Term Savings: 

While energy-efficient models may have a slightly higher initial cost, the savings on your electricity bills over the appliance’s lifespan can be substantial.

Additional Tips for Safe and Efficient Appliance Use in Dubai

Keep Appliances Away from Flammable Materials:  

Maintain a safe distance between heat-generating appliances and curtains, towels, or furniture.

Surge Protection for Valuable Electronics:  

For expensive gadgets like TVs, PCs, and game consoles, get surge protectors. These safeguard your devices from sudden voltage spikes.

Smart Plugs for Remote Control: 

If at all possible, give appliances that don’t require continuous supervision smart plugs. These allow you to monitor energy consumption, schedule on/off hours, and control power remotely.

Regular Safety Inspections:  

Arrange for routine electrical safety inspections performed by licensed electrician services Dubai. Potential dangers such as damaged wiring or overloaded circuits can be recognized by them.


By putting these procedures in place, you can ensure that all of your electrical equipment is energy-efficient, consumes the least amount of electricity possible, and ultimately saves money. The fact that you and your family can enjoy a safer atmosphere is the most significant aspect. 

Remember to give FizFix a call if you need assistance with anything related to electricity or other home maintenance services; we’ll be there quickly.